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Sooner or later, we all lose someone we love. Maybe the person closest to us. Maybe early in our lives, or theirs. Loss and grief have immeasurable power—to draw us into darkness or deliver us into a higher purpose.
For those who follow Christ, loss will, ideally, point us back to the cross and its redemptive edge. If we’re willing to tread on that edge, it’s where we often meet our legacy.
In When Losses Become Legacies, Christy Brunke and Kristina Cowan share profound stories of personal loss. The path through tragedy differs for each mourner. Yet the Christ-follower encounters a universal truth: Our Redeemer doesn’t unravel the mystery of suffering. Instead, he lights our way through it.
It might feel like a dimly lit, confounding stretch of time. As we persevere, we scratch the surface of God’s love for us and tap into his endless reservoir of hope. Our character grows. Sharpened by our scars and rooted in our faith, we just might find our enduring legacy.
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When Postpartum Packs a Punch offers solace to mothers who have faced traumatic birth and perinatal mood disorders, as well as a chorus of different voices—parents, experts, and researchers. All are singing the same song: while the U.S. has made strides in caring for new mothers, we still have far to go. Stigma silences women, and blinds those on the sidelines. Stories of others’ struggles are an antidote for stigma, because they let mothers know that they’re not alone.
Kristina Cowan describes her own experience with traumatic birth and postpartum depression, and weaves it together with stories from other parents. Representing diverse backgrounds and perspectives and underscoring the prevalence of mood disorders after childbirth, these stories serve as a balm. They help heal and stir hope. And they show how an overcoming spirit can fight terrors of the mind—and win.